HTML Code for White

Introduction to HTML Code for White

When building a website, it's essential to have a good grasp of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) as it forms the backbone of web pages. Understanding how to control the color of elements on a webpage is an important aspect of web design. In this blog post, we'll explore the HTML code required to set the color of elements to white.

Defining White in HTML

In HTML, colors can be specified using several different methods, such as color names, hexadecimal values, RGB values, HSL values, and more. For setting an element's color to white, the simplest method is using the color name 'white'.

Using the 'white' Color Name in HTML

To apply the color white to an element in HTML, the style attribute can be used within the relevant HTML tag. For example, to set the text color of a paragraph to white, the following HTML code can be used:

example code

<pre><code>&lt;p style="color: white;"&gt;This text is white&lt;/p&gt;</code></pre>

Setting Background Color to White

In addition to setting text color, HTML also allows for setting the background color of elements. To set the background of a webpage to white, the following HTML code can be used within the <style> tag in the <head> section of the HTML document:

example code

<pre><code>&lt;style&gt;body { background-color: white; }&lt;/style&gt;</code></pre>

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