HTML Code for Redirect

What is HTML Redirect?

HTML Redirect is a simple way to automatically send users to another web page. This can be useful for creating a more streamlined user experience, directing users to a new page if the original page has been moved, or automatically sending users to a different website.

How to Create an HTML Redirect

To create an HTML redirect, you can use the <meta> tag or the <script> tag. The <meta> tag is typically used for redirecting to another webpage, while the <script> tag can be used for more complex redirections or for redirecting after a certain amount of time.

Using the Meta Tag for Redirect

The <meta> tag can be placed in the <head> section of the HTML document to trigger a redirect. Here's an example of using the <meta> tag to redirect users to another webpage:

Using the Script Tag for Redirect

The <script> tag can also be used to create a redirect. This method allows for more flexibility and control over the redirect process. Here's an example of using the <script> tag to redirect users to another webpage:

Example Code

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=" />

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